by Rev. Prof. Enoch Immanuel A. Agbozo

Peace be unto all The CHURCH FAMILY of GOD as well as SEEKERS and RELIGIOUS.

Blessed be the Lord God Most High who has called us into His Vision, Will, Purposes and Kingdom Glory in the mission of His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master.

With humility, duty and joy mixed, we present to the CHURCH BODY and particularly the GES Family and Friends prophecy at the House of Worship, Accra, Palm Sunday March 20, 2016.

We are persuaded the Holy Spirit will give interpretation, understanding, counsel, direction and unction to all who hear what The Spirit is saying.

God bless us all. Amen!


“My son, where is the church? My son where is the church? Where is the church that was born out of Me? It was My blood, out of which that the church was established. The church was established to portray the life that I the Lord shed on the cross. My death on the cross is a light to all creation and to all men. My son, you know I’ve spoken to you about it that the church is now wallowing in darkness. The church that should be the light to all things is now wallowing in darkness. How can the church be the place where goods are being sold? How can the church be the place where the worldly things which are nothing to be compared to the shedding of My blood are now being traded? Many of them have come in the form of light but they are walking in absolute darkness. Many are they that are walking in absolute darkness. Because man loves to walk in darkness, though the light is being shed on them, a man prefers to walk in that same darkness.

But My son, I’ve given you a task to let those who come out of your loins to know that when they came unto your feet I made you to teach them to present the light to the world. And how come that they have also joined the exchangers of precious metals, of goods and things that do not give life to man? For the things of this world, the end result of it is destruction. But I have come to give life and to give it more abundantly. Let them know that My door is not closed to them. If they turn around I the Lord will take them and use them to fulfill the purpose for which I brought them to your foot. They didn’t come to you for you to demonstrate I the Lord to them for them to make money. They came that they will receive light and give it out so that those who are in darkness will receive this light and walk in it.

My son, let them know that the life of man is so precious to I the Lord. Nothing can be exchanged for the life of the soul that I the Lord created and that I put My own image in it. There is nothing that can be exchanged for it. Know that the words and the deeds that I the Lord am using you to do they are not of your own, but it is I the creator of the world, the eternal God, the One who knows all things and holds all things in His hands is the One that is using you – for man has a limitation but not I the Lord, I created all things. For many are the souls that are perishing.

If My house will be turned into a place where goods and services and worldly things will be exchanged then what’s the work, what’s the purpose of My cross? For My cross has no end. My cross has no end. From the time that My son came and shed that blood, that precious blood there will never be an end to it and it shall continue to be to the end of all things, because that is the beginning of My church. My cross is the beginning of My church, for there is no church or no gathering that will stand in My name and My cross will not be the pillar of it. I say there’s no gathering, there’s no church, there’s not anything that will be done in My name that the cross will not be the foundation. The cross is the foundation. Out of the cross light appears. The cross itself is light, My Son’s cross which is part of Me is light to the whole world.

If anyone wants to come along with Me and overcome the wicked then My cross should be his foundation. My cross should be his foundation. Out of My cross everything was changed. My cross became the door to all mankind and creation. I am the door. I am Lord God, the door. If anyone wants to enter into Me and to know Me you need to know and understand the cross.

The cross is the foundation, it is the foundation of all things. My death on the cross is significant to all things. The cross is the pillar of all things. My cross brought redemption, My cross brought salvation, My cross brought restoration, My cross brought hope, My cross brought all that man is looking for. Without My cross how will you know Me? How will you understand My deeds, My work? My cross is the door to I the Lord, it is the door to truth, it is the door to life. Embrace the cross.”

The conclusion of the matter is that THE CROSS OF CHRIST is not a mere symbol nor story told. It is a DIVINE SPIRIT POWER SYSTEM set in place for the redemption of the world, man and creation. The Cross is not just a story on the life and mission of Jesus Christ. Nor is it only message to be preached. Most important of all, THE CROSS IS A LIFE TO LIVE by all believers, particularly those called into the ministry, the Five-Fold Ministry in particular. The Cross is the open door for Divine Fellowship and Glory in the Father’s Will, Vision and Works on earth. The Cross calls for a HOLY LIFE of TRUE SEPARATION from the world unto HEAVENLY ORDERED LIFE and DIVINE GLORY on earth.

God Bless all the People of God.