THAT Ghana the motherland, our motherland should be overtaken by SPIRITUAL, MORAL and INSTITUTIONAL bankruptcy, failure and decay.

THAT Ministers of Church and state should both fail God and country.

THAT the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary should fall prey to falsehood, corruption and self-aggrandisement.

THAT church, including religion, state and government should turn Divine Power and Peoples Power and Trust into machinery of oppression, exploitation, evil and wickedness through falsehood, lies, flattery and suppression of truth, righteousness and justice, honesty and loyalty to nation and people, employers and employees, private and public.

THAT integrity, purity, godliness and sanity in conduct, life and national affairs should be overrun by falsehood, insincerity and wickedness.

GOD FORBID that Ghana chosen, reconciled, delivered, redeemed by Jehovah God and established as nation and people Holy unto Him Jehovah God and His Kingdom on earth should be run over by Satan and wicked man.

THAT political and economic power intended to establish peace and goodwill, progress, prosperity and security of life and God’s goodness in the nations to confirm Ghana as star of Africa and the world should be run by heathens, pagans and peoples in sheep skin with lying and poisonous tongues.

GOD FORBID that Ghana the motherland be run over again by the old Satan power, idolatory, blood drinking war gods, darkness and death that provoked Divine wrath and judgment, non-progress, poverty, failure and vomit until the Saviour and Redeemer God came to rescue Ghana and Africa from perishing and everlasting agony and woes.

THANK GOD He has assured the motherland that ‘I WILL NOT LET GHANA GO”


O God our help in ages past, SAVE GHANA! Amen!

GOD FORBID that the NEW GHANA Star of Africa, should fail. AMEN and AMEN!

By Reverend Professor Enoch Immanuel Agbozo.